
The olive and the valuable oil extracted from the fruit’s flesh are the two rewards of this valuable tree.  Before they can be consumed, all olives, whether green or black, must be processed. They mature on the tree and can be harvested as green table olives when young or allowed to ripen on the tree. Ripe fruit are also harvested for food processing, but if they are to be utilized for oil, they are left on the trees even longer.


Many pairs of hands and eyes guard the quality of the processing. Touch is used to track every step of the process, from plucking it in the grove to hand-culling olives on the shaker table. All other processes are closely monitored. Taste tests ensure the crunch and the blending of tastes, and chemistry is regulated by relatively basic instruments.

This valued product and it’s oils are healthy meals that supply vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, according to medical studies.